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Truth Time: ‘High-End’ Brands Are Not Calling Themselves ‘High-End’

“I want my brand to look high-end” - let's just unpack what that means for a moment.

Firstly, we hear this nearly every day. It's a phrase us as business owners use to set the bar high and attract premium clients.

But just because you label your brand high-end, doesn’t mean you’re actually up there with the big dogs.

In fact, in our opinion it's a bit like calling yourself cool (it automatically makes you the uncoolest kid on the block).

The reason people do this is because they fall into the trap of thinking that the best chance of success is to aim for those high-paying clients who ooze sophistication and class.

If you want that, fine. But the mistake is this...when you call yourself ‘high-end’ in the

hope that it speaks to them. When really, the way to find your tribe is through genuine connection and shared values. Those people who see the world the way you do - they’re your kind of people.

The answer? Speak your truth and the right people will come. We guide our clients on how to stop pretending their brand is something they're not sure they even want it to be.

So instead, we focus on building meaningful relationships based on shared values. The result? Our clients stop focusing on looking like a high-end business, and start building foundations to actually become one instead. The visuals come secondary.


  • Find your voice: Stop looking at what everyone else is doing, who are you? what do you value?

  • Perfect your craft: Your service is everything. without that, you don’t need to even turn your thoughts to how ‘high-end’ you look to the outside world. if you look great, but your services are lacking, you won’t even get off the starting blocks.

  • Double down on ensuring your branding is consistent: the biggest giveaway is a bad design, a spelling mistake or when brand guidelines go ignored.

Ready to build your dream brand, the right way? Fill out our enquiry form to get moving.


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